Lendio PWF Widget

This new widget can be implemented by including the following script on a page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://tools.lendio.com/lendio-start.umd.js"></script>

And then you only need to include this tag on your page to render it:

<lendio-start />

SRP Widget

Some of our affiliates have a medium of “SRP” assigned to them. If the widget is hosted on a Hubspot landing page for those specific affiliates, it will detect if the affiliate is SRP and it will ask an additional question at the end of the form to prompt the Borrower to agree or not agree to share their data with the affiliate.

This widget utilized a special parameter to force the SRP experience on this page using a test SRP affiliate, strictly for testing. Implementation of an SRP widget would be similar to this:

<lendio-start affiliate=”SRP Affiliate ID” />